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Twenty First Sunday after Trinity MXII

Thy Family, we beseech thee, O Lord, continually keep in godliness, free from all adversities by thy protection, and devoutly given to good works in thy name; through the Lord...

Familiam tuam, quaesumus, Domine, continua pietate custodi: ut a cuncti adversitatibus te protegente sit libera, et in bonis activus tui nominis sit devota, per Dominum
[Galacian Sacramentary]
Introit  ...The whole world is thy power, O Lord, King Almighty...
Ps.  ...Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord
Epistle ... Ephesians 6:10-17  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, an din the power of his might...
Gradual  ...Lord thou hast been our dwelling-place
Gospel John 4: 46-54 And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum...

First English translation:
LORDE we beseche thee to kepe thy housholde the churche in continuall godlines; that throughe thy proteccion it maye be free from al adversities, and devoutly geven to serve thee in good workes, to the glory of thy name; Through Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.
[1549 BCP]

The Latin version used the word familia, which points to the traditional Roman family that was the basic and most important element of society. It included all in the household, including slaves, and was headed by the pater familias who was responsible for the welfare of all. This concept of the household is the basis of the Gospel story today.

This web page has a small article on the Roman Family which will  give the reader a better understanding of the use of the term in the prayer as relating to God's family.  

Today many believe the family is under considerable pressure from many sources that tend to weaken it.  Concerned citizens have responded with support as Focus on the Family.  It has take on a political and social meaning as well with Family Values



(Portions were paraphrased and passages cited from The Collect of the Day, by Paul Zeller Strodach, 1939, The United Lutheran Press, Philadelphia)
The Ancient Collect: Its history and form

Released by Fundator, Ordo Centurionum
Legio Christi-Ecclesia Militans
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" [St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 14:19]



Twentieth Sunday after Trinity MMXII

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord, to thy faithful people indulgence and peace, that we may be cleansed of all offenses and secure with a quiet mind serve thee, O Lord ...
[Strodach modified]

Largire, quaesumus, Domine, fidelibus tuis indulgentiam placatus et pacem: ut pariter ad omnibus mundetur offensis et secura tibi mente deserviant , per Domine
[Galacian Sacramentary]
Introit  ...The whole world is thy power, O Lord, King Almighty...
Ps.  ...Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord
Epistle ... Ephesians 6:10-17  Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, an din the power of his might...
Gradual  ...Lord thou hast been our dwelling-place
Gospel John 4: 46-54 And there was a certain nobleman, whose son was sick at Capernaum...

First English translation:
GRAUNT we beseche thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithfull people pardon and peace, that they maye bee clensed from all. their synnes, and serve thee with a quiet mynde. Through Jesus Christ our Lorde.
[1549 BCP]

This is a prayer for cleansing.  "Though thy sins be as scarlet , they shall be white as snow...", " I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions...remember them no more"

Christ's own may take great confidence in his promises.  They may be secure in their minds and souls.  They may find that perfect freedom to serve him.   Their will has become bound to him; and they serve him in all holiness.  This is the Gospel--the Good News in Christ Jesus.

I am reminded of another collect with a similar theme of service and peace in our hearts. It is one I normally say every evening: 

O God, from whom all holy desires, all good counsels, and all just works do proceed; Give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give; that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments, and also that by thee, we, being defended from the fear of our enemies, may pass our time in rest and quietness; through the merits of Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.
[1662 BCP Evening Prayer]

DEUS, a quo sancta desideria, recta consilia, et justa sunt opera; Da servis tuis illam quam mundus dare non potest pacem; ut et corda nostra mandatis tuis dedita, et hostium sublata formidine tempora sint tua protectione tranquilla. Per merita Jesu Christi Salvatoris nostri. Amen.


(Portions were paraphrased and passages cited from The Collect of the Day, by Paul Zeller Strodach, 1939, The United Lutheran Press, Philadelphia)
The Ancient Collect: Its history and form

Released by Primus Pilus
Legio Christi-Ecclesia Militans
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" [St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 14:19]



Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

Almighty and merciful God, graciously keep away from us all adversity, so that relieved equally in mind and body, we, with minds at peace, may press after those things which are thine: through ...
Omnipotens et misericors Deus, universa nobis adversantia propitiatus exclude: ut mente et corpore partier expediti, quae sunt liberis mentibus exequamur, per ...
[Galacian Sacramentary]

Orig English 1549
GRAUNT we beseche thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithfull people pardon and peace, that they maye bee clensed from all their synnes, and serve thee with a quiet mynde. Through Jesus Christ our Lorde.
Introit  Say into my soul, I am thy salvation...
Ps.  Give ear, O my people, to my law...
Epistle 4:22-28  That ye put off concerning for former conversation of the old man...
Gradual  Let my prayer be set forth before the as incense...
Gospel Matt 9:1-8  And he entered into a ship, and passed over...
See it all here

The Epistle reading this day complements the collect.  When the "old man" is beset with the things of this world, "the former conversation" as the KJV translates it, he is indeed in bondage. He cannot fully receive what God has offered.  He is often troubled. He seeks happiness, but true happiness aludes him.  He becomes a slave to the things of this world and sometimes the very work of the devil.  Who can set him free?
God understood this plight of man, and he sent his only Son, Jesus the Christ,  into the world to give the way to the very freedom that it would take to reconcile the elect.  First came the message of John Baptist who prepared the way to usher in the Savior.  "Repent," he cried in the city and in the wilderness.  Repent and turn to God. 
Before one may repent, one must recognize the state of his perverted soul and actions, and how far gone it is from that which God originally created in the Garden.  Some never get to this point.  The deny sin outright. They deny any need for salvation.  The seek their salvation not in Jesus but in the things they do. They are lost. 
Then there are the elect who God has called. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"  They hear the Good News. They become convicted of their sin. They turn to God, and God protects his own. He keeps them from adversity and gives them peace. "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."
 This week I read in one of the daily lessons the Gospel story of Peter walking on the water.  You may remember that he walked to meet our Lord, but the wind shook his confidence. He began to sink. The deep and the wind were his adversaries.  Did God abandon him?  Did he tell him as he was drowning that it was his fault because he did not have enough faith?  Will God abandon you who are adopted as his own?  God forbid!  He will not abandon you but will protect you from adversity and will be there to rescue you when you faulter.  If we do not have this assurance, then certainly we are all doomed, for none is perfect and none can assure his own salvation. 
With the real presence of Jesus in our lives through the power of the Holy Ghost we may rest assured that as Christ's own we are indeed to be "releived equally in mind and body".  It may not come all at once, but it should grow as a mark of a mature Christian.  I admire the stories of those who have passed with such peace.  One that comes to mind is General Thomas J. Jackson, who said he lived his life so he was always ready to go when called. He had peace of mind. He had put off the old man for the new. He endeavored in every instant, day by day, to live for God, Country, Family. With his mind at peace, he "pressed after those things which are Gods"....
 I do not concern myself about that [death], but to be always ready, no matter when it may overtake me. ... and when you strike and overcome him, never let up in the pursuit so long as your ... Captain, that is the way all men should live, and then all would be equally brave.


(Portions were paraphrased and passages cited from The Collect of the Day, by Paul Zeller Strodach, 1939, The United Lutheran Press, Philadelphia)
The Ancient Collect: Its history and form

Released by Primus Pilus
Legio Christi-Ecclesia Militans
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" [St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 14:19]



Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity

Direct our hearts, O Lord, we beseech thee, by the operation of thy mercy, for without thee we are not able to please thee; through... 

Source: Sacramentary of Bishop Gelasius of Rome [494]. 

Dirigat corda nostra quaesumus Domine tuae miserationis operatio, quia tibi sine te placere non possumus. Per

Original English 
O GOD, for asmuche as without thee, we are not able to please thee; Graunte that the workyng of thy mercie maye in all thynges directe and rule our heartes; Through Jesus Christ our Lorde.

Cranmer, in 1549, reversed the order of mercy and our inability. 

One is reminded again of our Lord's promise send the Comforter to direct us, and of Isaiah 64:6 "we are all as an unclean thing... our righteousness is as a filthy rag...."

We, of and by ourselves, are not worthy to stand before God - not even to see him, until we are perfected by his grace. For he is "of purer eyes to behold iniquity" [Hab 1:13]

This prayer may have been a rebuke of the Pelagian heresy -- that is the doctrine that every man is good and does not need Christ; but rather just to do good. When our Lord was referred to as good, what did he say?  

"Why call me good? none is good, except one, that is, God."

Of course he was good. The question to the lawyer was rhetorical. He was good because he and the Father are one. In the same way, when we are adopted by the Father and are marked as Christ's own, then we are born again with a new spirit and are made one with God through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is only through God finishing the good work he has begun in us that we are perfected and pleasing to God--for he shall brook nothing less. 

Paul wrote to the Philippians that he was "confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ"

May Almighty God "make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen."
(Hebrews 13:21)
