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The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

News of the Order and commentary appear after the Proper Collect, Epistle and Gospel


The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

O GOD, who declarest thy almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity; Mercifully grant unto us such a measure of thy grace, that we may obtain thy gracious promises, and be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Gelasius [492-496]. This is the original as Cranmer translated it faithfully, It it was altered in the 1662 update by adding the phrase " running the way of thy commandments" The Collect's emphasis on Grace, compliments the story of the Pharisee and the Publican praying in today's Gospel story from Luke.

Isaiah xxvi. 12, Psalm 125, 1 Corinthians xv. 1    St. Luke xviii. 9

Homily of Gregory of Rome

Standing afar off, smote upon his breast










Evgeny of Chechnya - August 20th

Centurio Luxurius, with Camerinus, and Cisellus - August 21th

Bartholomew the Apostle -- August 24th

We invite your prayers for the earthquake victims of Peru, and for the missionaries that minister to them



This week our calendar of saints includes Bartholomew the Apostle. His commemoration is a Holy Day and I will try to get out the appointed collect and readings for his day.  As we think of the continuing terrorism coming from the many Muslim groups, it is good to reflect on this latter-day martyr who refused to submit to a Muslim militant. He refused to deny his Lord, and thus faced death at the hands of his captors: I speak of Evgeny of Chechnya. Along side of this modern martyr, we have the legend of Centurio Luxurius along with Camerinus, and Cisellus this week. His story is moving and one of the best of the ancient recounts. Let us keep all our our Christian soldiers, and especially our brother centurions who face this threat, in our prayers.


The Homily for this Sunday is from Gregory (the Great) of Rome. Gregory's lesson comes from a book he wrote for presbyters... how they should attend to ministering to the people of the church, and the chapter is entitled " How the humble and the haughty are to be admonished." Gregory speaks wisely here:
Let the humble, then, be told that, when they abase themselves, they ascend to the likeness of God; let the haughty be told that, when they exalt themselves, they fall into imitation of the apostate angel. What, then, is more debased than haughtiness, which, while it stretches itself above itself, is lengthened out beyond the stature of true loftiness? And what is more sublime than humility, which, while it depresses itself to the lowest, conjoins itself to its Maker who remains above the highest?

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