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The Twenty First Sunday after Trinity

News of the Order and commentary appear after the Proper Collect, Epistle and Gospel

The Twenty First Sunday after Trinity


Grant, we beseech thee merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Sacrementary of Bishop Gelasius of Rome [494AD].

Isaiah lix. 15b, Psalms: 120, 121, 122 | 133, 134, 135, Ephesians vi. 10   &   St. John iv. 46
Homily of Augustine on Psalm 120

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God








Simon and Jude, Apostles -- October 28th

Fidelis, Exantus, and Carpophorus - October 28th

Marcellus, Centurion - October 30th

Gaianus, Centurion of the Armageddon Chapel - October 31 [ca 225]

All Saints -- November 1st



Anthony of New York writes: " Salva,  I would like to share this email with you and the rest of our Order. It is stunning what faith in our Lord can do. I hope all can enjoy these photos. Antoninus.... See the photo at the bottom of this post. Someone donated land Amarillo, and a man scultped this scene of  Calvary. Only one photo came through.  



Psalm 120 is featured this Sunday. It is the first of fifteen psalms known as psalms (120-134) of degree or songs of ascent. Some have thought this applied to signing these psalms as one "went up" to Jerusalem to worship in the Temple. These psalms form the base of the Great Hallel, to which psalms 135 and 136 are added, which is sung at the Passover. The Hallel is likely what is meant in the Gospel when it says that Jesus and his disciples went out from the Upper Room singing a hymn.


In his lesson, Augustine begins saying: " The Psalm which we have just heard chanted, and have responded to with our voices"  In the early church, as in some churches today that follow the early custom, the choir would chant the psalm and the congregation would respond, normally with a verse of the psalm -- often the last verse.


I highly commend the lesson of Augustine in his examination of Psalm 120. It is as applicable today as in 400. He speaks of our sojourn on earth and how we ought to aim at "ascending" continually toward God, rather than descending toward the baser things (that descent often led by our smallest member- our tongues.) His call for unity of the Church in the conclusion is one we may all pray for.



Note: I offer for consideration a pattern of worship and reflection in the coming time that we look at the psalms. Each day in your devotion through the week, say or sing the psalm that was featured by Augustine for that week. If you have a study Bible or commentary, read up on it, and if you are very good at memorization, attempt to memorize it, or some verses that are meaningful to you. Perhaps print it off or write it on a card and carry it with you so that throughout the day you may have it with you. Finally, make sure you read the thoughts of Augustine in his allegorical approach to explaining the psalms.





"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" [St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 14:19]


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