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Second Sunday after Trinity - 2016

The Second Sunday after Trinity.
Psalm 119.9-16
In quo corriget?
WHEREWITHAL shall a young man cleanse his way : even by ruling himself after thy word.
10. With my whole heart have I sought thee : O let me not go wrong out of thy commandments.
11. Thy words have I hid within my heart : that I should not sin against thee.
12. Blessed art thou, O Lord : O teach me thy statutes.
13. With my lips have I been telling : of all the judgements of thy mouth.
14. I have had as great delight in the way of thy testimonies : as in all manner of riches.
15. I will talk of thy commandments : and have respect unto thy ways.
16. My delight shall be in thy statutes : and I will not forget thy word.

The Collect.
O LORD, who never failest to help and govern them who thou dost bring up in thy stedfast fear and love; Keep us, we beseech thee, under the protection of thy good providence, and make us to have a perpetual fear and love of thy holy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Old Testament Reading: Genesis 6.5-18
Psalter: Psalm 12, 13 | 10, 11
Epistle Reading: 1 John 3.13-24
Gospel Reading: St. Luke 14.[15]16-24


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