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Eleventh Sunday after Trinity - 2024


The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity.

Psalm 119.161-176

xxi. Principes persecuti sunt.

PRINCES have persecuted me without a cause; * but my heart standeth in awe of thy word.

162 I am as glad of thy word, * as one that findeth great spoils.

163 As for lies, I hate and abhor them; * but thy law do I love.

164 Seven times a day do I praise thee; * because of thy righteous judgments.

165 Great is the peace that they have who love thy law; * and they have none occasion of stumbling.

166 Lord, I have looked for thy saving health, * and done after thy commandments.

167 My soul hath kept thy testimonies, * and loved them exceedingly.

168 I have kept thy commandments and testimonies; * for all my ways are before thee.

xxii. Appropinquet deprecatio.

LET my complaint come before thee, O Lord; * give me understanding according to thy word.

170 Let my supplication come before thee; * deliver me according to thy word.

171 My lips shall speak of thy praise, * when thou hast taught me thy statutes.

172 Yea, my tongue shall sing of thy word; * for all thy commandments are righteous.

173 Let thine hand help me; * for I have chosen thy commandments.

174 I have longed for thy saving health, O Lord; * and in thy law is my delight.

175 O let my soul live, and it shall praise thee; * and thy judgments shall help me.

176 I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost; * O seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments..

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son : and to the Holy Ghost;

As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be : world without end. Amen. 

The Collect.

O GOD, who declarest thy almighty power most chiefly in shewing mercy and pity; Mercifully grant unto us such a measure of thy grace, that we, running the way of thy commandments, may obtain thy gracious promises, and be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (1928 BCP). 

O GOD, who declarest thy almighty power most chiefly in shewing mercy and pity; Mercifully grant unto us abundantly thy grace, that we, running to thy promises, may be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen (1549 BCP). 

Old Testament Reading: Isaiah 26.12-19

Psalter: Psalm 63, 64 | 54, 55

Epistle Reading: 1 Corinthians 15.1-11

Gospel Reading: St. Luke 18.9-14 


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