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Centurio Epistula – Chapel Consecration & Feast of St. Michael

Please join me today in saying this prayer of dedication for the Internet Chapel of the Centurions.

MOST glorious God, whom the heaven of heavens cannot contain; graciously accept the Dedication of this Internet Chapel to your service; and grant that all who shall call upon you here may worship you in spirit and in truth, and may in their lives show forth your praise; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

At this site you may read the entire Consecration service

The 29th of September marks the Feast of St. Michael & All Angels. It also marks the anniversary of the Order of Centurions. In 2003 on this feast day, we “opened the doors” to on the Internet. This year, we consecrate and dedicate the Internet Chapel of the Centurions. We pray this Chapel will provide a place for members and visitors to come for daily prayer where they may be refreshed and renewed.

One hundred years ago, most worshippers might find a church or chapel that said the daily office or offered daily communion and whose doors were never locked. That is not the case today. However, the Chapel of the Centurions offers a place where worshippers gather through the Internet and may read the collects and lessons every day at any hour. A place of rest from the busy world and a place to reflect on God’s word. The worshippers are not alone, but offer praise and thanksgiving with thousands of worshippers from around the globe around the clock who visit the Internet sites of Sacred Space for the Daily Holy Reading (Lectio Divina), or Oremus for the daily office, and Vanderbilt Divinity Library for the Sunday collects and readings. Cohorts that meet together in worship in their local chapels may use this Internet Chapel as a resource for worship, and those who cannot physically attend a church or chapel to take Communion on Sundays and Holy Days may participate in a Spiritual Communion at this Chapel.

It is fitting that both the Order’s establishment and the Chapel’s consecration are remembered on the Feast of St. Michael and All Angles. Michael means “Who is like God.” Michael is seen in both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelations as the armed angel fighting against and vanquishing Evil. Michael is the commander of all the angels. His militant and vigilant spirit serves as an example for the Centurion in Christ’s Legion. He guards the faith and fights against the powers that wage war against the Church Militant and God’s Good in the world.

In hoc signo vinces. Amen

Visit the Order at

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