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The Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity

Augustine on Psalm 124

LORD, we beseech thee to keep thy household the Church in continual godliness; that through thy protection it may be free from all adversities, and devoutly given to serve thee in good works, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Sacramentary of Bishop Gregory of Rome [604 AD] The Latin used the word familia, which points to the traditional Roman family that was the basic and most important element of society. It included all in the household, including slaves, and was headed by the pater familias who was responsible for the welfare of all. This concept of the household is the basis of the Gospel story today.

Psalm: 124, 124, 125, 136, 138;   Philippians i. 3   &  St. Matthew xviii. 21
Homily of Augustine on Psalm CXXIV

Homily of Augustine on Psalm CXXIV

Our help is in the name of the LORD




 Confronted with a cancer or a slum the Pantheist can say, "If you could only see it from the divine point of view, you would realize that this also is God." The Christian replies, "Don't talk... nonsense."

(Clive Staples) C. S. Lewis
Into The Wardrobe


"Labarum Guard" Motorcycle Club in Texas:  A motor cycle club featuring the name of the the Labarum Guard and the symbol of the Chi Rho. It has many things in common with our Order. They have the same motto: Fear God and do what is Right. I coined the term "Labarum Guard" in collaboration with Preafectus Castrorum Paul, Stewart of China, and others in 2005. I coined "Fear God and do what is right" shortly after the Order was founded on 29 September 2003.

I commend the article in the news section. I wonder if the Order of Centurions is experiencing some of the "fall out" from this movement to silence Christians. I hope this is not the case, but my hope runs thin these days. There are circumstances surrounding recent events enough to cause reason for concern.

This Sunday we hear the words of Augustine on Psalm 124. This psalm is another of the Songs of Degree. It speaks of the celebration of a victory and deliverance. The last verse, Our help is in the name of the LORD, reminds one of the 17th Chapter of 1st Samuel beginning at the 45th verse which is selected for today's Old Testament Lesson. David spoke to the Philistines saying that he comes at them "in the name of the Lord."

Augustine concludes his homily with this:

"..."Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth" . For if this were not our help, the snare would not indeed remain for ever; but when the bird was once taken, it would be crushed. For this life will pass away; and they who shall have been taken in by its pleasures, and through these pleasures have offended God, will pass away with this life. For the snare will be broken; be ye assured of this: all the sweetness of this present life will no longer exist, when the lot assigned to it hath been fulfilled; but we must not be enthralled by it, so that when the net is broken, thou mayest then rejoice and say, "The snare is broken, and we are delivered." But lest thou think that thou canst do this of thy own strength, consider whose work thy deliverance is (for if thou art proud, thou fallest into the snare), and say, "Our help standeth in the Name of the Lord, who hath made heaven and earth.".

Augustine's stern warning is of the coming judgement is directed to those whose conduct offends God (those who have ears heed the warning). However, those who seek the help of the Lord Jesus, recognize that deliverance is of the Lord God, and not of man, and do all things in his blessed Name according to his commandments, shall know his love and mercy and the delight of his presence beyond this life, for he who made heaven and earth can do all things.

You may read all of Augustine's homily at the link above.


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