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The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity MMXI

O GOD, who declarest thy almighty power chiefly in showing mercy and pity; Mercifully grant unto us such a measure of thy grace, that we may obtain thy gracious promises, and be made partakers of thy heavenly treasure; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Gelasius [492-496]. This is the orignial as Cranmer translated it faithfully, It it was altered in the 1662 update by adding the phrase " running the way of thy commandments" The Collect's emphasis on Grace, compliments the story of the Pharisee and the Publican praying in today's Gospel story from Luke. Latin Latin

Isaiah xxvi. 12, Psalms 63, 64 | 54, 55 , 1 Corinthians xv. 1    St. Luke xviii. 9



God be merciful to me a sinner

  Homily XXXVIII.
1 Cor. xv. 1, 2
John Chrysostom [ca 400 AD]

Verse 1 & 2: Now I make known unto you, brethren, the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye received, wherein also ye stand; by which also ye are saved: in what words I preached it unto you.

Having finished the discourse of spiritual gifts, he passes to that which is of all most necessary, the subject of the resurrection. For in this too they were greatly unsound. And as in men's bodies, when the fever lays actual hold of their solid parts, I mean the nerves and the veins and the primary elements, the mischief becomes incurable unless it receive much attention; just so at that time also it was like to happen. Since to the very elements of godliness the mischief was proceeding. Wherefore also Paul uses great earnestness. For not of morals was his discourse henceforth nor about one man's being a fornicator, another covetous, and another having his head covered; but about the very sum of all good things. For touching the resurrection itself they were at variance. Because this being all our hope, against this point did the devil make a vehement stand, and at one time he was wholly subverting it, at another his word was that it was "past already;" which also Paul writing to Timothy called a gangrene, I mean, this wicked doctrine, and those that brought it in he branded, saying, "Of whom is Hymenœus and Philetus, who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already, and overthrow the faith of some." (2 Tim. ii. 17, 18.) At one time then they said thus, but at another that the body rises not again but the purification of the soul is the resurrection.

Read it all at the link

Editor's Note:

 Chrysostom could have easily preached this homily today! Beware of the vain inventions of those who profess Christianity while castings its tenets, such as the bodily resurrection of Christ and our coming resurrection, into a dustbin of religious fables and beliefs.   Believe as you may; only please don't proclaim such heretical beliefs in Christ's name.  Survey findings here . 

Released by Primus Pilus
Legio Christi-Ecclesia Militans
"Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another" [St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans 14:19]


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