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The Lenten Ember Days-2013

Ember Days 

Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at the Four Seasons

O ALMIGHTY God, who hast committed to the hands of men the ministry of reconciliation; We humbly beseech thee, by the inspiration of thy Holy Spirit, to put it into the hearts of many to offer themselves for this ministry; that thereby mankind may be drawn to thy blessed kingdom; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The readings and explanation of the Ember days can be found on our web site: Order of Centurions.


The Book of Common Prayer-Canada (1962) adds an additional Collect and readings if there is a 2nd service:

The following Collect, Epistle, and Gospel for MISSIONARY WORK IN OUR OWN COUNTRY may be used, with the Ember Collect added, at a second Ember Day Service during the week; and are also suitable for Lenten and other weekdays for which no special provision has been made in this Book.

O GOD, who hast made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on the face of the earth, and didst send thy blessed Son Jesus Christ to preach peace to them that are afar off and to them that are nigh: Grant that all peoples of the world may feel after thee and find thee; and hasten, O Lord, the fulfilment of thy promise to pour out thy Spirit upon all flesh; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Primus Pilus II

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