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The Twenty-Second Sunday after Trinity and the Commemoration of Saxa Ruba - 2013

The Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity.

Psalm 119.169-176
Appropinquet deprecatio
169. LET my complaint come before thee, O Lord : give me understanding, according to thy word.
170. Let my supplication come before thee : deliver me, according to thy word.
171. My lips shall speak of thy praise : when thou hast taught me thy statutes.
172. Yea, my tongue shall sing of thy word : for all thy commandments are righteous.
173. Let thine hand help me : for I have chosen thy commandments.
174. I have longed for thy saving health, O Lord : and in thy law is my delight.
175. O let my soul live, and it shall praise thee : and thy judgements shall help me.
176. I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost : O seek thy servant, for I do not forget thy commandments.

The Collect.
LORD, we beseech thee to keep thy household the Church in continual godliness; that through thy protection it may be free from all adversities, and devoutly given to serve thee in good works, to the glory of thy Name; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Old Testament Reading: Numbers 20.14-29
Psalter: Psalm 123, 124, 125 | 136, 138
Epistle Reading: Philippians 1.3-11
Gospel Reading: St. Matthew 18.21-35

Barbee and Zahl: “…this Collect properly beseeches God for the godliness of the Church,  its protection from threat and disaster, and its ministry of devout service. ( . . . ) But there is a little more to it than that. The Church is the household of God (Ephesians 2:19). It is a family keeping company together. It is a family in operation, not theory. “Household” suggests activity, support, unity yet with plurality, focus yet variety; not oneness at the expense of manyness, nor manyness at the expense of oneness. Household suggests a clear direction yet with the necessary working on the part of all hands. We run parallel here with the somewhat more theological image of the Body of Christ. We receive from this Collect, then, a vision of the Christian Church as a oneness in motion and the manyness required for the ustaining of such motion. There is nothing static here, nor obdurate” (113).

27 October
The Victory at Saxa Ruba
Here is the link for the Collect and readings:

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