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John of Capistrano - [Transferred 23 Oct]

Today the Order remembers John of Capistrano, who was chaplain to a crusade in 1456 that delivered Europe from the Turks
A good account of this warrior monk is to be found at "The Saint of the Day, by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. Here is an excerpt.
After the fall of Constantinople at Islamic hands, he preached the Crusade against the Muslim Turks, exhorting Catholics to raise an army to resist the invaders, who were threatening Christendom by their victorious march into the northwest of Europe. At age 70 he was commissioned by Pope Callistus II as delegate and adviser for the war against the Turks.

He traveled to Belgrade to encourage the 40,000 Catholic soldiers who were surrounded by Mohammed II. By a clever feint, he got past the Turkish guard, entered the city and began to preach constancy in the fight and confidence in the victory. All of Christendom was praying for a successful outcome for the city. The soldiers, under the influence of the Saint, fought and prayed. John Capistrano accompanied the troops in their more difficult maneuvers: the surprise attacks and recoups. Although he took the greatest risks, he was never wounded by a single bullet. It was due to him, above all, that Belgrade was saved. This victory stalled the Turkish invasion, which in turn saved all of Europe. .
John died about three months later and so we remember him on the 23 day of October. Read more here

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