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The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

 see anouncemets below

The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity

O GOD, forasmuch as without thee we are not able to please thee; Mercifully grant that thy Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Source: Sacramentary of Bishop Gelasius of Rome [494]. Cranmer in 1549 reversed the order of mercy and our inability. [Barbee and Zahl] One is reminded again of our Lord's promise send the Comforter to direct us, and of Isaiah 64:6 we are all as an unclean thing... our righteousnesses are as filthy rags.... We, of and by ourselves, are not worthy to stand before God - not even to see him, until we are perfected by his grace. For he is "of purer eyes to behold iniquity" [Hab 1:13]

Job xxiv. 1, Psalm 72, Ephesians iv. 17   &   St. Matthew ix. 1
Homilies featuring Chrysostom on the Gospel


But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins

Announcements for the week beginning 2 October 05

Weekly Collect, Scripture and Homily
May be used throughout the week following the apppointed Sunday unless another set is appointed for a special day

Please hold all centurions in your prayers this week. You may like to use this
Centurion's Daily Litany

Feasts and Fasts
The Early Church fasted Wednesdays and Fridays except Christmas to Epiphany and Easter to Pentecost

Roman, Soldier, Othrodox Monk - October 2nd

Francis, Knight, Religious - October 4th

Martyr Davictus, Duke and eparchus - under Maximian (286-305)

Sergios and Bacchus, Centurions - October 7th [Maximian 286-305]

Hugh Canefro of Geona, Chaplain, Religious - October 8th

Bulletin Insert -- pdf reader updated weekly by


Please pray for
Centurions in harms way
Peace in the Mideast

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