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The Eighth Sunday after Trinity - 2015

The Eighth Sunday after Trinity.
Psalm 119.57-64
Portio mea, Domine
THOU art my portion, O Lord : I have promised to keep thy law.
58. I made my humble petition in thy presence with my whole heart : O be merciful unto me, according to thy word.
59. I called mine own ways to remembrance : and turned my feet unto thy testimonies.
60. I made haste, and prolonged not the time : to keep thy commandments.
61. The congregations of the ungodly have robbed me : but I have not forgotten thy law.
62. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee : because of thy righteous judgements.
63. I am a companion of all them that fear thee : and keep thy commandments.
64. The earth, O Lord, is full of thy mercy : O teach me thy statutes.

The Collect.
O GOD, whose never-failing providence ordereth all things both in heaven and earth; We humbly beseech thee to put away from us all hurtful things, and to give us those things which be profitable for us; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Old Testament Reading: Zechariah 4.1-10
Psalter: Psalm 39, 41 | 37
Epistle Reading: Romans 8.12-17
Gospel Reading: St. Matthew 7.15-21

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