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Saint Peter [29 June]

O ALMIGHTY God, who by thy Son Jesus Christ didst give to thy Apostle Saint Peter many excellent gifts, and commandedst him earnestly to feed thy flock; Make, we beseech thee, all Bishops and Pastors diligently to preach thy holy Word, and the people obediently to follow the same, that they may receive the crown of everlasting glory; through the same thy Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

On June 29, 258 AD, Christians of Rome transferred the remains of Peter and Paul to the Catacombs on the Appian way. From that time on, the Roman Christian calendars commemorated that event with a feast. The Anglican Church observes St. Peter on this day, and the Conversion of St. Paul on 25 January.

Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God


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